News: Transition
Primary pupils have a challenging time in Science
Seven local primary schools joined us for an afternoon of science activities for the first of Priory's science competitions.
Priory Welcomes Its 2024 Intake
This week we welcomed our new intake of pupils and their parents as they began their journey at Priory.
Year 7 offer advice for new pupils joining us in September
As we prepare to welcome our new pupils this week, Year 7 have some advice for them.
Year 7 have a message for Priory's new pupils
We asked our current Year 7s what they like about Priory and what makes it different to their primary schools ...
Welcome Year 6 & Good Luck Year 11: Behind The Scenes
On Friday morning, Year 7 pupils stepped into the spotlight for a very special Priory tradition.
From primary to Priory: Inspiring our next scientists
Priory's senior science teachers were invited to deliver an assembly at Penwortham Primary School on their school value of 'reflection' through the lens of science.
From primary to Priory - trampolining with the PE department
We invited pupils from Whitefield Primary School to learn new skills on our giant trampolines.
From primary to Priory: Maths Challenge Day
Local primary schools were invited to put their problem solving, logic and teamwork skills to the test as they competed in the inaugural Priory Maths Challenge.
English design competition marks the page for key stage 9 pupils
Year 9 Kacper will see his design transformed into Priory’s 2024 bookmark for all Key Stage 3 pupils and the new pupils coming to Priory in September.
How are you settling in, Year 7?
Our Year 7s may only have been at school for one term but they already have their favourite lessons!
From Primary to Priory - Broad Oak and Cop Lane Primaries
We invited Broad Oak Primary School and Cop Lane Primary School pupils to experience a day at Priory.
From Primary to Priory at Open Evening 2023
Our doors opened Thursday evening to over 450 families as they began their search for a secondary school for their children.
Year 7 Summer School Maths Stars
Summer School pupils were taken into space for their Maths challenge!
Success in summer science homework
Year 7 have made a fantastic start to their learning in Science. Over the summer they have been working hard on various pieces of Science homework.
Summer School 2023
We hope that all our new Year 7 pupils who could join us for Summer School had fun whilst getting to know their new school, meeting the teachers and making new friends.
Welcome New Intake 2023
This week we welcomed our new intake of pupils and their parents as they begin their journey at Priory.
Year 7 offer advice to Year 6
Year 7 have been super excited to welcome our new pupils. We asked them what nuggets of advice they would give to the Year 6s...
From Primary to Priory: The PE Department
Over four days last week Priory's PE department had sports sessions with every single pupil at Whitefield Primary School as part of their Sports Week.
Year 7 look forward to welcoming our new intake
Our current Year 7s have settled into life at Priory and are now looking forward to welcoming the new arrivals in September.
It's that time of year again
It is about this time of year when we have our annual photoshoot with a selection of Year 7 pupils to spell out two little messages.
Year 7 enjoy a creative escape in English
Year 7s have been granted warrior status by Head of English Mrs Gidden after completing ‘The Legends of Kraznir’ project.
How are you settling in, Year 7?
Our new Year 7s have adapted to life in Priory easily – and they already have favourite teachers!
Summer School 2022
We hope that all our Year 7 pupils had fun whilst getting to know their new school, meeting the teachers and making new friends.
Welcome 2022 intake
On Thursday we welcomed our new pupils when they spent their first full day at Priory to sample lessons and find out more about their new school.
Priory welcomes its new pupils
On Wednesday evening we welcomed our new intake of pupils and their parents as they begin their journey at Priory.
Year 7 have a message for Year 6 pupils
You will get a warm welcome at Priory – that’s the message from our current Year 7s to the new Year 6s.
Priory is full!
We are delighted to tell you that Priory is over-subscribed for the new intake of Year 7s.
Broad Oak Primary School gets active at Priory
South Ribble Active Health invite primary school pupils to sample sports at Priory.
How are you settling in, Year 7?
Head of Year 7 Mrs Farley says she is ‘proud’ of the way the Year 7s have settled into life at Priory.
From primary to Priory at Open Evening 2021
Our doors opened last Thursday evening to over 400 families as they began their search for a secondary school for their children.
A model start for Year 7 science pupils
Over the summer, Year 7 pupils were tasked with challenges from the English, Maths and Science departments to prepare them for the term ahead.
How's your first year been, Year 7?
Year 7 pupils have taken to life at Penwortham Priory Academy despite a first year with a difference due to Covid.
Year 7 question time with the Head
Last week, Year 7 pupils had the chance to put their burning questions to the Headteacher.
A model start for Year 7 pupils
Assistant Head of Science, Mrs Massey, was very impressed with the pupils’ science work and wanted to share some of it with the rest of us.
How are you settling in, Year 7?
Head of Year 7, Mrs Bullock, has been impressed with how quickly her new year group has settled into school life.