The science department at Priory has a curriculum based on the intention of creating scientifically literate students who can engage in scientific discussions, transforming their view of the world. 

This is based on the idea that scientific knowledge and understanding is accumulated over time and handed down from generation to generation. It is the entitlement of all pupils. 

We aim to deliver an engaging but challenging curriculum that develops pupils knowledge and understanding of the world, investigative skills, and experimental techniques. 

Through science students will:

  1. Build powerful knowledge that allows them to understand the importance and application of science within their everyday lives.  This will be built in a logical and coherent sequence based on the previous key stage.
  2. Develop LORIC skills as appropriate to science.
  3. Develop understanding of the links within science and between science and other subjects (see below).
  4. Build long term knowledge though he use of space retrieval and low stakes quizzing in a well sequenced curriculum.
  5. Be able to engage in scientific conversations within and beyond their school experience (tier two and three scientific vocabulary), including those related to moral and ethical decisions
  6. Encourage lifelong learning and enthuse young people to engage in a rapidly changing world
  7. Develop skills that allow students to engage productively in practical work
  8. Be able to interpret data (graphs, tables, etc) and reach conclusions
  9. Be able to identify the relevance of science in their lives at a local, national and international scale.  Trips, visits, speakers etc will all be used to enhance this.
  10. Understand that science is an international, multicultural pursuit.
  11. Be well prepared for their year 11 GCSE exams.

This subject has links to:

Maths (graphs, calculations, percentages, standard form, etc)

  • Geography (Earth science)
  • Food (microbes, food molecules and tests, etc)
  • History (development of the periodic table and atomic models, historical context of scientific discoveries)
  • RE – religious links to past and present science, moral and ethical decisions
  • DT – product design and material sciences

Teachers of Science

Mr D Bedford, Science Leader, Lead Teacher of Chemistry

Ms Amanda Potter, Assistant Leader, Lead Teacher of Physics

Mrs V Eastham

Mrs K Roberts

Mrs C Massey, Lead Teacher of Biology


Year 7 - 3 hours per week 
Year 8 - 3 hours per week 
Year 9 - 3 hours per week
Year 10 - 5 hours per week
Year 11 - 6 hours per week

Teaching and Learning in Science

KS3 science is typically taught by one science specialist per class and follows the KS3 national curriculum.

Each class has 3 hours per week. 

KS4 science is taught by three subject specialists (biology, chemistry, physics). Pupils will follow either the AQA Combined Science Triology, or AQA

Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses. 

In year 10, each class has 5 hours per week.

In year 11, each class has 6 hours per week.

Those pupils who opt for separate science during the option process in year 9 will receive an additional 3 hours of science in both year 10 and 11. 

Throughout all years, the use of low-stakes testing (e.g. through quizzing, mini-whiteboards, questioning, etc) underpins a model of adaptive teaching, allowing teachers to adjust lessons accordingly to the needs of the pupils in a particular class. Scientific content is taught directly, and pupils are given regular opportunities to read scientifically, to write scientifically, and to talk scientifically. 

Homework is set weekly on Seneca (online) and takes the form of revision tasks. This allows pupils to build good habits of revisiting and recalling prior knowledge. Year 11 will also receive a homework booklet of past paper questions in each half term. 

How we assess in Science

Assessment in science takes multiple forms. First and foremost is the informal, continuous assessment for learning, in the form of questioning, low-stakes quizzing, mini-whiteboard activities, checking of written work, etc. On top of this there are mid-topic assessments, typically multiple choice, and end of unit assessments consisting of multiple choice, short answer questions and longer extended writing pieces. All of these are used to inform future planning and teaching. Finally, pupils will complete summative assessments in the form of end of year exams. 

Feedback in science is given in most lessons. It will typically be verbal, often involving the use of models, either teacher written or using examples of student work under the visualiser. Following more formal assessments (e.g. end of unit assessments) pupils will also be given a feedback sheet. Areas of error will be retaught by the teacher and pupils will have related tasks to complete. 

Reading in Science

Reading is a priority across the whole curriculum. We strive to provide a language rich environment and curriculum where children actively engage with high quality vocabulary. Pupils are encouraged to read scientifically in the vast majority of their lessons. All science lessons are supported by bespoke booklets designed to promote reading, understanding and retention of learning. Key scientific vocabulary is taught explicitly and aided through the use of techniques such as Frayer models, exploring etymology of words, analysis of prefixes and suffixes etc. Science homework also features a reading element to further promote understanding and retention of words and their meanings. Reading scientifically means pupils are taught not only to read scientific text, but also things such as how to make sense of formulae, how to read measurements, and how to read and write scientific methods. 

How the Science Curriculum Supports Careers Education

Pupils are provided with an annual STEM careers fair organised by the science department. This gives them the opportunity to identify and explore employment opportunities within a range of STEM related fields, asking questions about the different companies, roles within them, qualification requirements, etc. It is an experience that pupils consistently offer positive feedback about and suggest has helped them broaden their understanding of employment opportunities within science.

Career roles are also signposted within the science curriculum as appropriate to the content being taught, e.g. chromatography might be linked to forensic investigations. 

Science Curriculum

Attainment and Progress (national tests and assessments)

2024 GCSE Science Outcomes


9 - 7 %

9 - 5 %

9 - 4 %



83.3 91.7



83.3 91.7



75 83.3

Combined Science (Double)


36.5 63.5

Extra Curricular Clubs

  • STEM Club – year 7 pupils are invited to participate in an after school club focused on science, technology, engineering and maths skills during the autumn and spring terms.
  • Eco Club – running Friday lunch time, pupils are able to discuss ecological and environmental issues regarding the school site, developing plans and actions for improvements.
  • Seneca Club – running Wednesday lunch time, pupils are given the opportunity to come to science and complete their homework with the assistance of the science staff.

Trips and Visits

  • UCLan Top of the Bench – a selected group of year 9 and 10 pupils were taken to the University of Central Lancashire to participate in the “Top of the Bench” competition
  • BAE Systems – a group organised by BAE, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy visited Priory to run a workshop on electricity generation for year 7 and 8 pupils
  • STEM Careers Fair – annual event focused on inviting guest from local STEM employers and colleges to raise awareness of STEM career opportunities in the local area. Pupils are given the opportunity to talk to employers/colleges about career routes, progression, requirements, etc.

House Competitions

Science based house competitions are run during the annual British Science Week , the content of the competitions changes yearly based on the BSW theme. 

Cultural Experiences

Pupils are given the opportunity to understand how science has helped to shape our understanding of the world, through topics such as Eratosthenes proving that the Earth was spherical and calculating it's circumference in Ancient Greece, to Jenner's discovery of vaccination and Flemming's discovery of penicillin and how they have affected our lives, to the discovery of graphene at the University of Manchester and how that might shape the future. As appropriate to the content, pupils are also given the opportunity to explore moral and ethical issues related to scientific progress, for example the use of stem cells to treat diseases.

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