22 November 2023

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Zach...

Drummer Zach has a mixture of talents as he looks to the future. 

The Year 9 is a Cool Reader and is currently in a race with his friend Connor to finish ‘Wranglestone’ by Darren Charlton. 

“There is only one copy of the sequel – Timberdark – in our school library at the moment so we are both reading quickly to get it first although another copy may appear!” said Zach. 

“We both selected Wranglestone as it sounded interesting and I am enjoying it so far. 

“I am one of those people who picks a book and if I like it, I will read it until the end. If I don’t, I return it. 

“My favourite author is probably Rick Riordan, who wrote the Percy Jackson series.” 

Zach’s favourite subjects are Computing and English. 

“I did consider becoming an author but I am also looking at computer programming as that will be very useful.” 

He plays drums with a school band ‘Freezing Hot Water’ and he also attends the Dungeons and Dragons Club at school. 

“That’s fun and interesting. It’s working as a team.” 

Tags: English Year 9 Personal Development