24 September 2022

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Harriet...

We interviewed Harriet before the end of the summer term when she was in Year 7.  

Harriet's mum bought her a series of books and once she started reading them, she was hooked although  admits she loves all kinds of books:  

"I like adventure and I like funny books," she said.

"My mum bought me the Alex Rider series, there are 13 books about a teenage spy called Alex Rider, and they were sitting in my bedroom.

"I decided to start them and I am on the third 'The Skeleton Key' and I am hooked, it's really gripping and interesting and once you pick it up, you can't put it down!"

Harriet's favourite subjects are sport and humanities and she is a member of the school football and rounders teams.

"I also go to First New Longton scouts once a week and enjoy all the activities - inside and out!

"I also play football for Lancon Girls on the left wing."

Harriet's English teacher, Mr Owen added, "Harriet is a positive and kind pupil who always tries her upmost in everything she does. She enters every competition we run and brings an infectious enthusiasm to the English classroom. Her natural curiosity makes her a bonafide scholar; she is definitely a Cool Reader!"

Tags: English